
Legacy Data Archival Management

Enhancing patient care with seamless access to legacy data anytime, anywhere…made achievable.

Sustaining outdated legacy systems is neither scalable, secure, nor cost-effective. The path to achieving improved patient care begins by embracing a modern healthcare Legacy Data Archival, without draining the IT budget. Keystone Technologies offers an intuitive solution at a fraction of the cost, providing:

ACCESSIBILITY: Support better continuity of care and Release of Information with streamlined workflows and easy access to patient EHR records, images, documents, notes, financial data, and significant events from any device anytime, anywhere.

SECURITY: Build a robust archive with read-only access to patient data from inactive EHR systems and AWS global security resiliency.

COST EFFICIENCY: Lower overall cost by reducing EHR licensing by leveraging Amazon S3–supporting virtually unlimited scalability, and industry-leading data security and resiliency.

We make retiring legacy systems hassle-free.

Retiring data is not one size fits all. Our team works closely with hospitals of all sizes. We understand the importance of listening, creating tailored solutions, intricate data landscapes, and the importance of staying nimble. That’s Keystone Technologies’ way of creating a transparent partnership. Our experts move the data that is no longer actively used to a separate storage solution for long-term retention. Based on each client’s data retention requirements, we have the experience and expertise to perform your entire data conversion and archive the legacy data in its entirety. We will guide you every step of the way.

Our team will make the entire process hassle-free. Discover the impact that healthcare data archiving could make for your organization.

Archiving your legacy data benefits include:

  • Discontinued maintenance of expensive legacy EMR systems
  • Reduced primary storage consumption and related costs by storing archived data on a lower-cost storage tier
  • Compliance with required data retention requirements
  • Reduced cost and need for Legacy Subject Matter/System Experts
  • The ability to perform required Release of Information due to legal subpoenas and other requests
  • The proper/preferred archival solution or work with a client’s already in-place archival solution
  • Meeting vendor and data retention requirements by keeping Legacy Data Systems running, thus saving costs and preventing clients from having to maintain proper hardware, patch levels, and system upgrades
Legacy Data
Legacy Data Archival

What About Your Legacy Data?

Over the last ten years, provider adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) has grown significantly. Healthcare providers are expected to document encounters with patients to

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